Hot Compost, Singing Swamp, Poelp, Brussel, 2022
Acceptance of the Broken
Eine Ursuppe
diving into deep mud
en Licht
Free Floating Love
Free Floating Anxiety
Pain, Fear, Anger
and other dear friends
bubbeln naar de oppervlakte
She mutters little words
of encouragement
and has the calm of a woman
who knows her worth
Ongoing processes
Integrating all parts
And Acceptance of the Broken
Octavia Butler's head was as big as a cathedral.
The inside of her head was the church.
We sat down together.
I asked her if I could be part of her Gang and she answered:
“if it is for the right reasons”.
Later I encountered the Ooloi from Xenogenesis.
The Ooloi can manipulate genetic material and
showed me how to heal myself.
Shame was inside of me somewhere beneath the heart chakra.
Now it is outside, floating 15 centimeters in front of me.
It´s fluffy and fluid and almost transparent.
I realized that everything is fluidity, the concept of Fluidity, no matter at all. I can densifie Fluidity and bring something into being.
Or not.
Nothing exists.
There is no shame unless I densify it.
Annick Nölle